
When the family has the support of an active and involved father, everyone can benefit.


Years of research documents the power of dads and positive engagement:

  • Children are more likely to succeed, because they feel confident and loved.
  • Mothers gain critical support for parenting and to meet financial needs.
  • Extended family is more likely to be engaged, providing even more support for children and parents.

Because fathers parent differently, they bring another perspective to the family and help children develop more fully.

Studies show that when dads are engaged, their parenting style promotes:

  • More independence and exploration that leads to greater confidence
  • Discipline that stresses fairness, duty and consequences
  • An expanded vocabulary and better communication skills
  • A positive role model for how men should behave and how they should respect women

“Since my father has been involved with Lancaster Fatherhood Project, our relationship has really grown stronger. I’m glad that I can say my father is a good role model.”

-Son of Fatherhood Program participant